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Dedicated Backend Development Teams.

Dedicated backend development teams

What Is Backend Development?

Front-end developers ensure that the face of the application or program can be flawless and are an essential part of web and app development. However, the backend development refers to ensuring that what’s on the front can run smoothly for the users. That’s why having a dedicated backend development team is essential.

How to program backends?

Backend development helps keep a web-based website running. Backend designers focus on the basics of web development. These people write code to define an application’s functions and logic, and users seldom see the technology they develop. The backend system consists of server applications and databases. Backend developers have the responsibility of developing and testing applications.

Kotlin And Java – The Two Key Players In The Web Development.

The most popular programming languages that can enrich a portfolio of backend web developer skills include Python, PHP, C#, Java and Kotlin. The last two are special to us as our developers consider them versatile and useful for web development and web applications.

Although Java is the most known for being the general-purpose language for various server-side purposes, Kotlin is also slowly making its way to becoming a significant player in the backend. Our dedicated teams of developers will happily create your project in the language of your choice.

Kotlin dedicated backend development teams

Need a dedicated Kotlin team for your next project? We’ve got you covered.

Kotlin dedicated teams

Developing Backend In Kotlin Programming Language.

Although Kotlin is mainly known for its front-end development, especially in the mobile app department for Android and iOS, this language can be just as valuable and attractive to a backend developer. It’s gaining momentum for server-side development and, in some cases, is used as an alternative and replacement for Java.

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Kotlin code can be more concise and expressive than Java code, thanks to some extra features like type-safe builders or extension functions. quote icon

Krzysztof Gola
Krzysztof Gola General Manager Software at

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Thanks to features like full interoperability with Java and its libraries and frameworks, Kotlin can be easily implemented into existing projects. Its null pointers can also help ensure the security of the code, making it more appealing for server-side use.

Kotlin also has a clean syntax that can help reduce the amount of boilerplate code for extra clarity and smoother execution. Kotlin also has a range of frameworks that can be useful for web applications and server-side operations. Here are some of the most popular ones.

Comparing Kotlin frameworks


This lightweight framework can help reduce the effort required for web development. It’s compatible with most technologies used for a project and doesn’t manipulate them. KTor was developed by JetBrains for creating web applications in Kotlin.

The benefits of using this framework include the following:

  • Reliability and stability
  • It works on a minimum memory footprint
  • It makes a rapid development framework
  • It can be an excellent tool for prototyping
  • Similarly to Javalin, it is a real micro-framework


Spark is one of the earliest rapid-development expressive Kotlin or Java web frameworks. It can also be used in higher-level Kotlin development. It’s not as popular as other frameworks, especially about micro-services.

However, it has some good benefits, which include the following:

  • Swift and lightweight
  • Occupies a minimum memory footprint
  • It’s also a real micro-framework
  • It is an embedded Jetty server
  • Fully compatible with Angular
  • Easy to set up
  • Most suitable for rapid prototyping

Spring Boot

A framework that is widely used for creating stand-alone Spring-based web applications. Especially large-scale, production-grade ones.

The best assets of Spring Boot include:

  • Easy to install and set up
  • Derives from the Spring ecosystem
  • Modular framework
  • Compatible with many external libraries
  • Designed with the enterprise requirements in mind
  • It has a dense community of developers

Kotlin applications can work with any host that supports Java Web applications like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. Kotlin can also make an excellent language for functional programming.

Developing Backend In Java.

Every software developer heard about Java, as it’s one of the most popular languages for both front and back. Developer skills can highly benefit from having Java in the portfolio.

As one of the most popular languages, development in Java can be a versatile tool for a web developer and backend.

Java dedicated backend development teams

The first thing to make Java a good backend solution is its robustness and scalability. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) allows Java to run anywhere. It makes it ideal for developing web apps. Automatic memory and disposal management makes it highly scalable, which can help build web applications faster.

Another asset of Java is that it has open-source libraries and supports object-oriented programming. This popular programming language also has a big community of developers that can support the growth of the language. It’s a solid choice for those with extensive programming experience and junior developers.

Java also supports a range of frameworks for developing backend solutions. Here’s an outline of some of the most popular ones.

Comparing Java frameworks


Spring is a versatile web framework that easily creates even enterprise-sized applications. It has a robust and light infrastructure for Java applications. The main advantages of Spring include the following:

The main advantages of Spring include the following:

  • It can be used across all the layers of application development
  • The model is considerably lightweight, as it’s based on the POJO formula
  • It supports loose coupling and easy testing
  • It supports declarative programming, XML and annotation configurations
  • It offers middleware services

Spring Boot

Spring Boot framework allows you to build robust applications easily. Users can create Spring-based applications that simply run. It’s an extension of the Spring framework that eliminates some boilerplate code characterising it. Because it’s a framework that works on top of Spring, it embraces all its features and benefits. Its primary aim is to minimise and simplify the code for seamless application building.

The benefits of Spring Boot include the following:

  • An embedded server eliminates the need for complex application development
  • Starter dependencies facilitate the installation and configuring of applications
  • Automated Spring configuration
  • Pre-configuration can help increase the productivity


This lightweight Java framework is capable of extending Java’s Persistence API support. It’s an open-source, lightweight ORM (Object-Relational-Mapping) tool. Hibernate is a purpose-built framework designed to simplify the development of applications via its features like Database interactivity and much more.

Find the most notable advantages:

  • Open-source framework
  • Helps reduce redundancy via JDBC API
  • Increases productivity and manageability
  • Supports Persistence APIs
  • Allows communication between the application and any database
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Because Kotlin and Java are entirely compatible, programmers can use Kotlin alongside Java without major challenges. This enables teams to switch to Kotlin at their own speed while maintaining access to their current Java frameworks and resources. quote icon

Krzysztof Radecki
Krzysztof Radecki Chief Technology Officer in

Java is a strong and versatile language with a large community of developers to justify its popularity. Its vast range of open-source libraries and large community can be ideal for server-side development.

Backend development is a huge part of different digital projects. With our strong team of developers, we can help you with resource management to build the solution you need. We can provide you with a dedicated backend development team that can deliver on time and within budget.

Kotlin and Java are one of our strongest suits. However, we’re open to discussion if you’re looking for experts in solid backend solutions tailored to other environments.

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