Europe Union
Published: 04/04/2023

The (not-so) secret journey of a Deep Tech entrepreneur. Przemek Szleter in Forbes.

As a member of the Forbes Technology Council, Przemek Szleter regularly shares his expertise on running one of the fastest-growing Deep Tech companies in Europe.

In his first article: Focal points for fueling the growth of a Deep Tech venture, he explains the main factors contributing to the company’s rapid growth, including R&D, people and culture, collaborators and diversification.

In the latest article: Connect-the-dots: the (not-so) secret journey of a Deep Tech entrepreneur, Przemek delves deeper into the topic and talks about his journey, its stages and turning points.

Looking back at my entrepreneurial journey, I see that one of the things that made my venture a success was the personality, thinking and thought process that my team and I injected. Simply put, you need to plot your pathway to success. I connected the dots of the mile markers in my journey for this article to show how small directional changes can orient your’s ventures overall outcomes. – Przemek Szleter for Forbes Technology Council.

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