Europe Union

Advanced technologies solutions.

Our DeepTech & Emerging Tech case studies

We have developed over a dozen proprietary solutions and technologies that have given our partners and us a competitive advantage. 

These projects and products cover emerging technologies, such as Embedded security, connectivity, the Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Perspective Maintenance. A versatile range of expertise, isn’t it? 

Plug and play approach to IoT Data Collection.

D_Box is an electronic multifunction device for prototyping, MVP development & pilots in Industrial Internet of Things applications. Wireless connection, many interfaces, flexible design.

Meet D_Box
D_Box Multifunction Device

R&D partners stands head and heels above the pack due to the prime R&D focus that we oriented ourselves to since the early days and stuck to it even when the going got tuff. Capable of creating novel and cutting-edge solutions, we have made it easier for clients and the community at large to embrace emerging technologies to gain an edge in business and bring about societal good.

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